Here's what New Year's Eve was like:
3:00 pm: Faauu overhears my lack of enthusiasm for the party I'm going to that evening and invites me to join her and so other coworkers at a local casino. As much as I enjoy their company, loud, crowded, and smoky doesn't sound so great.
5:00 pm: Do students really want me to call them on what is almost New Year's Eve? I wisely decide that no, they do not. A better use of my time would be to unfurl long streamers of red velvet ribbon festively over the wall of Robert's cube. For best effect this must be performed 5 or 6 times, while he is entrenched in a phone conversation. Short bursts of maniacal giggling are required for the task. I dutifully set about my work.
6:00 pm: Robert and I are the only ones left at work. Outside the window we hear the sounds of downtown Tacoma's "First Night" New Year's Eve celebration beginning. Somewhat new in town, 24 year Robert is oontemplating the limited choices for his evening's celebration. He is either going to "Go to downtown Seattle to see the fireworks and just celebrate with whoever is next to me" or join aforemention coworkers at the casino. We look out the window and wonder if First Night might be worth attending.
6:30 pm: "I know. We could go to Zoo Lights at the Pt. Defiance zoo" Robert likes the idea. Instead of going home and getting ready for the party as I'd planned, we are lost, on the beautiful Tacoma Narrows bridge crossing onto the peninsula. Oops. We make it to the zoo shortly thereafter.
7:30. How awesome is 'Zoo Lights'? Let me show you the ways:
10:15 pm: Although I forewarn Robert that even I am too young for the party we are about to attend, he insists he doesn't mind going. Our plan is to stay for about an hour, then go to the casino to wish our coworkers a Happy New Year. Shortly into the party I gently try to explain that we may be leaving early. A bitter, older man demands to know if we are going to take the rest of them with us. Sadly, he's not kidding. I don't remember what I stammered in response.
11:20 pm: The party has been pleasant. Mostly nice people, enjoyable visit with the adorable labradors in the backyard. Socially adept Robert is managing to have a decent time despite being the youngest in the room by 24 years and having to fend the aforementioned bitter old man's barbed inquiry of "What country are you from?" Sheesh. I ask when we are going to leave. Robert thinks the right thing to do is to stay at the party until after midnight. Everyone has an animal that represents them. I'm a koala bear. Robert is a dolphin. His decision is not based on his needs, but the groups' needs. He is evolved.
12:00 am: Yep, we made it. Hats, noise makers, champagne, Dick Clark, the whole thing. We go outside on the front porch a few minutes later for a glimpse of fireworks. At about 12:20 we leave.
And that was my New Year's Eve.
How was yours?
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