Monday, June 28, 2010

Brissfully Relieved

For some reason the Jewish holidays came up.

Ok, I'll stop being coy. The Jewish holidays came up because I'm the only Jew at work and it makes me feel different. And special! Me Me Me ME ME. Thank you.

I enjoy sharing my heritage with those who know even less about it than I do.

Let me preface this by saying the woman I'm about to mention is a lovely, intelligent person. It's not her fault that rural Louisiana, where she lived until recently, does not have a large Jewish population.

Me: So anyway, a Bar Mitzvah...

Her: I know what a Bar Mitzvah is!

Me: Really?

Her : (nodding head sagely) It's when a 13 year old boy gets circumcized.

Me: Umm...What you're talking about is called a briss and...

Her: Yeah! They remove the foreskin.

Me: Uh, that's right but...

Her (puzzled look on her face): How do they get 13 year old boys to agree to that?

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