Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grammar Martyr

I was not in a good mood as I walked to work today. I passed a young pregnant woman who was smoking a cigarette and ranting on her cell phone. "I don't got it!" I heard her wail as she spewed out a fresh cloud of poison. I furiously batted away the smoke, walked a few steps, then turned in her direction.

"I don't HAVE it." I barked at her. Not "I don't GOT it."

I quickened my pace, then threw it over my shoulder one more time: "I don't HAVE it"

This took place in downtown Tacoma. I'm lucky I didn't get shot.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad this kind of person announces their stupidity up front. Imagine if you had to actually talk to them to figure it out!


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