"You have to take yourself seriously. So what I did was concentrate on the song."
- Susan Boyle
We all know her story by now. Unforgivably old Scottish woman comes out onto the stage, looks and sounds like Shrek when she talks, and then launches into the most angelic vocal performance of all time. When asked in a talk show interview later how she felt when people initially laughted at her, her answer was the quote above.
We are but conduits for what we can deliver.
Oy. That sounded cheesy.
Let me try again: She focused on the song, not herself.
When you start getting close to 50 -if you've made any kind of spiritual progress at all- you start to realize the song matters more than you do.
There's talk on the internet of Susan Boyle needing a makeover. Yes, her eyebrows could use a little work (perhaps with the help of a lawnmower), but other than that I really hope she continues to be herself. She's a great reminder that the plain people can be more beautiful than the beautiful people. And it's just kind of cool knowing she could kick Paris Hilton's ass.
Very Zen-like.