A strong bond in my friendship with Adam was our love of dogs. Around 1994 I briefly dated a massage therapist named Andrew. Andrew had a black lab named Pearl. Snicker if you must, but Pearl was a spiritually evolved dog. She was intuitive and emotionally expressive to a level I'd never seen in a canine. Andrew and I only lasted a few months; no big whoop. But my bond with Pearl was so strong I continued to see her. I lived close by, so I took her for long walks several times a week. Sometimes Adam and I would walk her in a park halfway between where we both lived.
Adam loved Pearl and Pearl loved Adam. Pearl was a friendly dog, but the way she responded to Adam was amazing. Her face would light up when she saw him. She would radiate pure joy. I could practically hear her say "ADAM!!!!!"
One time Adam and I agreed to meet in the park. Pearl and I got there a few minutes before him. Pearl hadn't seen Adam for a few months, so when he pulled into the parking lot she went beserk. I let her run to the car. Adam had rolled the passenger window down to say hello. I thought Pearl was going to put her paws up on the ledge to better see him. Her love for him was too strong to settle for that. In a bizarre, miracle-of-science manner she manuvered her fat body up the side of the car and through the window until she next to the object of her adoration. I'll never forget what she looked like when she was halfway up. I thought she'd never make it, but she did. We're talking some serious love here.
Dogs know who the nice people are.
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