Stadium High School. I think this may be one of the coolest-looking high schools in the country. The school is situated right at the point where Commencement Bay meets Puget Sound.
On Friday one of my student said "It's supposed to be beautiful next week" Being woefully out of sync with the rest of the world I pictured cool and cloudy. Turns out it's going to be in the 80s. Yuck. The only time I don't enjoy the mile walk to and from work is when its hot out. Rain doesn't phase me at all. I love walking in the rain. This baffles my coworkers who don't understand why I don't drive on rainy days. First of all I think it's absurd to drive when it's only a mile. Again, I'm out of sync with the average American who would probably drive to an office two blocks away. While I'm on my high horse, posturing not only as the queen of health and fitness but also as an environmentalist, please use half the recommended amount of laundry detergent. That's all you need- really.
I have a new manager at work. I was really sad to see my old one go since I really liked him. The new one is a Red Bull-guzzling Mormon (hello?? Actually I have to admit I think it's kind of cool that he's not bound by dogma) who offered to keep the office refrigerator stocked with said legal narcotic because he wants us to be "high energy all day, every day". He's an aggressive, corporate-climbing, former football player with a bone-pulverizing handshake. I'm working on liking him.
I'm going to Jacksonville, NC at the end of the month to visit my nephew who will be spending the next year in Iraq.
I want to make an overnight trip to the Oregon coast sometime in the next month or two. I can't think of any place I love more. Of all the places I've lived in or visited, the only one I don't miss is Denver. I hate Denver. There are only two things I miss about that area and that's Boulder and Red Rocks Ampitheater. Even though Boulder is only 35 miles from Denver it always felt like a different world to me. South Florida will always be part of my soul, but I can't really imagine living there now. And while I would never want to live in Phoenix again, I do have a few good memories of my time there. I may actually go back at some point to visit Dave. One place I really want to visit again is western North Carolina. My grandparents used to have a vacation home in Deep Gap, and I went to Camp Yonahlossee in Blowing Rock for several summers. I haven't been back since 1976. I especially want to visit Asheville which has morphed into the sort of weird, new-agey kind of town I love. I'd love to visit there in the Fall. The Blue Ridge mountains at that time of year are gorgeous.
I've worked for my current company for a year and a half as of September 6th. I haven't talked to Peter in five months.
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