A few weeks ago, my father posed a question which I myself had previously wondered: What does Queen Elizabeth carry in her purse? (or does a queen carry a handbag, pronounced of course with the emphasis on the first syllable, as in hahndbag...hmm, ok, whatever)
No one ever feels like working the last 15 minutes of the day, myself included, so I asked one of my coworkers that question. After a moment of intense concentration she suggested that certainly the queen carries a hanky- probably a lace-edged one. And perhaps a lipstick and a compact. Then she suggested that she might carry a spare tiara. I loved that one. I pointed out that Her Majesty's purses are not that big, so it would have to be a collapsable one. Don't you just love the thought of a dour-faced Q.E. snapping the thing together before plopping it on her head?
I like to think that the queen also carries a tube of Smarties (the British version of M&Ms). If I were the Queen of England, or just me in England, I would carry a tube of Smarties.
I just thought of another thing: She probably carries a spare pair of gloves.
Ok, your turn.
Hmmm...You probably guessed well. There were articles about this great mystery of the Queen's handbag. Hankerchief, lipstick, and gloves are just about it. As for the Smarties, (good stuff) I don't think the Queen would indulge in 'em..simply because they were Di's favorite candy.