Monday, January 25, 2010


Geyser is the only Icelandic word in the English language. Now you know! It means to rush forth, or erupt.

Some do so in a less-dramatic, more continuous manner.

The geyser field is in an area called Haukadal, in southwest Iceland.

I think I'd have to visit another planet to find a place more interesting than Iceland.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Day in Iceland

After taking the 'Flybus' from Keflavik to Reykjavik, it was about 9:30 AM. And dark.

My hotel room was not ready, but I was nicely offered a go at the breakfast buffet. Nothing beets a good breakfast (yes, there they are in the upper left)

Breakfast was actually quite good. I had skyr with my corn flakes (or whatever twenty-letter name there is for corn flakes in Icelandic). Skyr is a cross between milk and yogurt, and way better than either.

After breakfast it was light outside, and a perfectly pleasant 42 degrees. I walked down to the harbor.

Clean air, clean water, mountains...I was falling in love.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm leaving for Copenhagen tommorrow. I'm so deeply in love with Iceland I don't want to leave.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ok, I'm in Reykjavik

It's 9:30 AM and pitch dark.

Such is life at the 66th paralell.

The sky has thus far ignored my pleas for northern lights...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hvar er ég að fara?

Where am I going?

Hint: It's the northern-most capital in the world.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Girl at Clinique counter: "I always thought Iceland had hot weather year round."

She then went on to apply plum-colored blush from my cheekbones to my eyebrows.Maybe I should have bought it. Men like women with giant purple streaks on their face, right?