Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Love Coming Home to a Pink Mountain

It was a cotton candy pink; a very becoming shade for a 14,000 foot stratovolcano.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Was it Voters in Florida...?

I'm not a Kris Allen fan. Who is Kris Allen? He barely made it onto my radar screen. Talented, sure, but in a way that many thousands of other singers are talented. He didn't particularly impress me as a musician, but I have to say he was likeable when he won. I loved that he admitted Adam Lambert deserved the win.

I know most people put a premium on technical perfection. I tend to gravitate more toward originality. Adam Lambert is one of those rare performers who has both. He's the only American Idol contestant it would even occur to me to see in concert. The guy is an incredibly exciting performer. I love people who do what others can't or won't.

I'm not going to cry into my chocolate milk over the results (And no, I don't drink chocolate milk. If I did it would be soy). It was an interesting season. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Adam Lambert, and Allison Iraheta too.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grammar Martyr

I was not in a good mood as I walked to work today. I passed a young pregnant woman who was smoking a cigarette and ranting on her cell phone. "I don't got it!" I heard her wail as she spewed out a fresh cloud of poison. I furiously batted away the smoke, walked a few steps, then turned in her direction.

"I don't HAVE it." I barked at her. Not "I don't GOT it."

I quickened my pace, then threw it over my shoulder one more time: "I don't HAVE it"

This took place in downtown Tacoma. I'm lucky I didn't get shot.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Dumbcation All I Ever Wanted

Life been demanding too much of you lately? Tired of all those original thoughts? Saddled with a high IQ?

You need a dumbcation. Dumb + vacation = dumbca...wait that involves thinking. Don't do it!

Do some of these instead:

1. Watch American Idol

2. Care about American Idol

3. Go to the OPI website and try on virtual nail polish: Don't stop until you've sampled at least 20.

4. Take as many Facebook quizzes as you can in 15 minutes.
Love the results from the 'What is your Princess Name' quiz ('Wendy the Merry, Princess of Mondeburgh!').Consider the 'What Color Crayon are You' quiz result to be cause for introspection ("Am I really burnt orange...?")

5. Vow to ask other people how they choose to spend their dumbcations.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Yep, It's the American Idol Post

Why do we have to suffer through countless warbly and mediocre renditions of You are the Sunshine of My LIfe when the show should be comprised entirely of high-octane, consistenly exciting talent like Adam Lambert?

Friday, May 01, 2009

Where I Live

I want to go back to Las Vegas sometime soon. I'm seriously in need of thrill rides and mind-altering visual stimuli.

First 30 seconds or so of this Fremont Street Experience video are boring; you might want to forward a little bit.

I know, when you see these next two clips you're going to think 'It's just a ride; get over it'. I can't. The first few seconds was one of the most interesting experiences of my life. The physical experience was so jarring my mind couldn't catch up to it. Where was I during that time?

Next time I want to go at night:

This is an insane roller coaster. I'm dying to ride it again.

And while I'm providing links, here's another. It's Bollywood, not Las Vegas but whatever. It's great in so many ways.