Yes, I had a great time in Las Vegas and yes it did breathe new life into me. I don't know what it says about me, but Las Vegas is one of my favorite spots on earth. I always seem to end up with men whose idea of a great vacation is some crappy remote place out in the country. While I definetly need and love a nature fix now and then, given a choice between a cabin in the woods and a room overlooking the Bellagio fountains...well, it's no secret which I'd choose.
Peter and I were talking on Messenger about a work-related boating trip he'd taken recently. He said he "cought ten makrill". Now I'm an admitted spelling and grammar hag, but for some reason Peter's little ESL-isms always strike me as adorable. He once asked me if he was using the correct spelling for "coffy". I told him no, but asked him to keep spelling it that way. He has.
What's happening with me and Peter? (and no, it's not 'Peter and I' dammit)
Let's just say time will tell.
I am applying for a job transfer to Seattle. Between seeing Seattle friends in Las Vegas and talking to some others on the phone recently, I realize I really want to be back 'home'. I also want to live closer to my parents.
There are a few people I will miss here (three guesses who I will NOT miss? Key word: Chili. Nickname...well, you either know who it is at this point or you don't) Anyway, I will miss my best friend at work, Blair. It is a friendship I never would have foreseen. She is literally half my age, but we are both Jewish, dog lovers, and avid readers and for whatever reason (she's mature for her age, I'm immature for mine and we meet half way?) we are just really compatible. I will miss a few of my other coworkers as well. And yes Dave, I will miss you.
I am hoping to see a little more of the southwest before I go. I might go with a coworker to Mexico. I've never been there and I figure it warrants a day trip.
I was going to post a notice that I'm not going to be keeping up the blog for a while. However I think I will keep posting at least erratically for a while. Hopefully once I'm in a better place and better frame of mind I'll start posting on a regular basis again.